The Second Donor Milk Bank Opened in Lithuania

Minister of Health of Lithuania A.Veryga, Director of Neonatal Center A.Liubsys, General Director of Vilnius University Hospital K.Strupas, and former President of Republic of Lithuania V. Adamkus at the Donor Milk Bank opening ceremony
March 8th, 2017 the second Donor Milk Bank opened at Vilnius University Children’s Hospital Neonatal Centre, Vilnius capital city of Lithuania. Vilnius Perinatal Centre is one of two Perinatal Centres in Lithuania where women with high risk pregnancies are concentrated as well as majority of sick and premature babies undergo medical care. First and foremost the donor milk will be source of nutrition for preterm and sick newborn babies, especially when their moms do not have or have not enough milk. Our newly opened Milk Bank aims all premature and sick babies to be fed either with their mother‘s, or with the donor milk.
Our team consists of two full time nurses and one part time neonatologist responsible for collection, processing and distribution of donor milk.
Professionals from different areas: medical doctors, designers and artists made every effort and put their hearts into equipping and decorating new division. We already have first 12 donors who expressed a wish to donate their milk to our little patients. If we will collect more donor milk that we need we will share it with other hospitals.
More information about Vilnius Donor Milk Bank is on our web site: