EMBA European Milk Bank Association
282 Active milk banks
18 Planned milk banks
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1 Active milk banks
1 Planned milk banks

National Association: No

National Guidelines: No


The first Human Milk Bank in Portugal opened at Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa, in Lisbon, in August 2009. It’s purpose is to serve the VLBW population of its NICU and from NICUs in the Lisbon area. In its first year, it has recruited 65 registered donors, of whom 35 are still donating. The milk bank staff are processing 60 to 108 litres / month, serving 2 NICUs and about 90 ELBW/VLBW babies received pasteurized human milk when their mothers milk wasn’t enough.


Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa-CHLC, Rua Viriato, 1069-089 Lisbon
Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa-CHLC, Rua Viriato, 1069-089 Lisbon
Contact: Israel Macedo
  • +351 21 318 4030
  • bancodeleite@mac.min-saude.pt