National milk bank association: No
National guidelines: No
Vilnius Human Milk Bank - Assoc. Prof. Arunas Liubsys -
Kaunas Human Milk Bank - Prof. Rasa Tameliene -
Both of the human milk banks in Lithuania are affiliated to Perinatal Centers in the university hospitals. One is in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, and the other is in Kaunas which is the second biggest city of the country. More than 85% of preterm babies born before 34 weeks of gestational age are born in these two Perinatal Centers, therefore the critical mass of the patients who need donor milk are just in two hospitals. The most critically ill newborn babies from all over the country are also concentrated in these two Perinatal Centers therefore overall patients who would benefit from donor milk are here. In spite of COVID-19 situation in the country we still have enough donors therefore we do not have a shortage of donor milk and we can give as much donor milk to our patients as they really need.
The human milk bank in Kaunas was opened in December 1, 2016, and in Vilnius – March 8th, 2017. All donors voluntarily donate their milk to both donor milk banks. Both milk banks are funded by University hospitals through their Neonatology Clinics. Each milk bank has its own guidelines and University Hospital based regulations.