EMBA European Milk Bank Association
282 Active milk banks
18 Planned milk banks
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United Kingdom

15 Active milk banks
0 Planned milk banks

National milk bank association: UK Association for Milk Banking (established in 1997)
National guidelines: Clinical Guideline 93; Donor Milk Banks; Service Operation

published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in 2010. Available to download, together with additional tools and resources, from http://guidance.nice.org.uk/CG93



Milk banks have been operational in the UK for more than 80 years. The first was established in West London after the provision of donated breastmilk to a set of quadruplets born in the mid 1930’s. Currently there are 15 throughout the UK of which 13 are in England. The single milk bank in Scotland, based in Glasgow, offers a nationwide service and a single bank also provides donor milk throughout Northern Ireland as well as to some hospital neonatal units in the Republic of Ireland. The 13 milk banks in England range in size from those that provide donor milk to a single neonatal unit to several that supply hospitals throughout a wide geographical area. The Hearts Milk Bank, part of the charitably funded Human Milk Foundation was established in 2016 as an independent organisation to support families with babies in or out of hospital for whom human milk will be of benefit. Overall, the number of neonatal units in the UK using donor milk is increasing and thanks to volunteer motorcyclists (better known as the ‘Blood Bikes’) the collection and delivery of donor human milk is achieved effectively and efficiently and without cost to the milk banks.


Hearts Milk Bank
Rothamsted Institute, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ
Contact: Dr Natalie Shenker / Gillian Weaver
  • 01582 314130 / 01582 314131 - Out of hours: 07732 019040
  • info@heartsmilkbank.org
  • http://heartsmilkbank.org/
Southampton Human Milk Bank - Southampton, England
Princess Anne Hospital, Coxford Road, Southampton, United Kingdom
Contact: Lycia Merrifield and Anita Holloway
  • 07795 506 279
  • milkbank@uhs.nhs.uk
The Southwest Neonatal Network Donor Milk Bank
Southmead Hospital, Southmead Road, Bristol, United Kingdom
Contact: Emily Boldick
  • 0117 414 6717
  • milk.bank@nbt.nhs.net
St Peter’s Hospital Milk Bank - Chertsey, England
Ashford & St Peters Nhs Trust, Guildford Road, Chertsey, United Kingdom
Contact: Alice D’Souza
  • 01932 722667
  • asp-tr.sph.milkbank@nhs.net
Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital - London, England
Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, United Kingdom
Contact: Details coming soon
  • 0203 313 3559
  • milkbank@imperial.nhs.uk
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust - London, England
Guy's Hospital (Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust), Great Maze Pond, London, United Kingdom
Contact: Keith Allen
  • 0207 188 8846
  • milkbank@gstt.nhs.uk
St George’s Hospital - London, England
St George's Hospital, Blackshaw Road, London, United Kingdom
Contact: Theresa Alexander
  • 020 8725 4723
  • milk.bank@nhs.net
Oxford Human Milk Bank - Oxford, England
John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Oxford, United Kingdom
Contact: Amanda Wood
  • 01865 225507
  • amanda.wood@ouh.nhs.uk
Birmingham Women’s Hospital Milk Bank - Birmingham, England
Birmingham Women's Hospital, Mindelsohn Way, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Contact: Marina Rudge
  • 0121 335 8245
  • bwc.milk.bank@nhs.net
Neonatal Unit, Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust - Cambridge, England
The Rosie Hospital, Robinson Way, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Contact: Janette Clark
  • 01223 274 171
  • janette.clark@addenbrookes.nhs.uk
The Milk Bank at Chester
Moston Lodge, Countess of Chester Health Park, Valley Drive. Chester. CH2 1BP
Contact: Emma Savage
  • 01244 362 226
  • milkbank.chester@nhs.net
  • http://www.milkbankatchester.org.uk/
Calderdale and Huddersfield Donor Breast Milk Bank - Halifax, England
Calderdale Royal Hospital, Halifax, United Kingdom
Contact: Paula Wood
  • 01422 224 421
  • paula.wood@cht.nhs.uk
Western Trust Milk Bank
South West Acute Hospital, 124 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. BT94 6DN
Contact: Hilary Campbell and Elizabeth Baille028 686 28333 (from UK) 048 686 28333 (from ROI)
  • 028 686 28333 (from UK) / 048 686 28333 (from ROI)
  • TMB.IRVINESTOWN@westerntrust.hscni.net
Milk Bank Scotland
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Govan Road, Govan, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Contact: Debbie Barnett
  • 0141 2327973
  • http://www.nhsggc.org.uk/your-health/health-services/milk-bank-scotland/