EMBA European Milk Bank Association
282 Active milk banks
18 Planned milk banks
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PATH Launches new human milk banking toolkit

PATH has developed and recently launched a free toolkit for all those with an interest in establishing and operating human milk banks. Entitled Strengthening Human Milk Banking: A Resource Toolkit for Establishing and Integrating Human Milk Bank Programs and is aimed at a global audience. Members of the EMBA board have contributed to the development of these documents and will continue to support and promote their use.

At the core of the resource kit are 11 documents as well as additional materials such as standards and templates to help support the use of donated human milk. PATH designed the toolkit to be adaptable in local situations but to have a global relevance and reach.

The documents include: A Global Implementation Framework, An Assessment Tool for Determining Facility Readiness, Quality Assurance Workshop workbook, guides and template, Monitoring and Evaluation, Training Curriculum Template, Track and Trace documentation, a Communication Strategy and a Counselling Guide for Engaging Bereaved Mothers.

EMBA congratulates PATH on this work which was funded by the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation (FLRF) based in Switzerland.

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