EMBA European Milk Bank Association
282 Active milk banks
18 Planned milk banks
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ISBT 128

ISBT 128 is the global standard for the identification, labelling, and information processing of human blood, cell, tissue, and organ products across international borders and health care systems. The standard which has been perfected over the past twenty years ensures the highest levels of accuracy, safety, and efficiency for the benefit of donors, patients, and health care professionals around the world.

The International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) agreed that the ISBT 128 Standard can be extended to cover milk banking and a number of countries have expressed an interest in improving the identification of milk donations using ISBT 128. In order to ensure a common approach to the identification and bar coding of human milk an ad hoc working group in Milk Banking has been established. The group is comprised of experts in the field with a willingness to work towards global standardization in this area. It is anticipated that this group will eventually form the basis of a formal ICCBBA Technical Advisory Group in Milk Banking. The first conference call will take place in November and will include members from milk banks in Switzerland, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Holland and the UK.

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