EMBA European Milk Bank Association
282 Active milk banks
18 Planned milk banks
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EMBA Working Groups

EMBA Working Groups are the means by which members of the Association are able to contribute to in depth investigations into aspects of human milk banking and the use of donor human milk. The former working groups, whose work resulted in valuable and much cited  publications, were the Guidelines Group (Coordinator: Gillian Weaver, the Processing of Donor Human Milk Group (Coordinator: Professor Guido E. Moro) and the Human Milk Fortification Group (Coordinator: Professor Sertac Arslanoglu). Updates to the findings of these groups will be made as they become available and the members will regroup as required.

Four new Working Groups have now been established. These are:

  • The Impact of Maternal Diet on Donor Human Milk (Coordinator: Gillian Weaver)
  • The Microbiology of Donor Human Milk (Coordinator: Dr. Corinna Gebauer)
  • Indications for the Use of Donor Human Milk and (Coordinator: Professor Jean-Charles Picaud)
  • Cultural and Ethical Aspects of Milk Donation&Acceptance (Coordinator: Professor Sertac Arslanoglu)

EMBA members wishing to join and play an active role in one or more of these groups are encouraged to e-mail to Biomedia (embamembership@biomedia.net) to be put in contact with the group’s coordinator.

In addition, Dr Clair-Yves Boquien and Gillian Weaver will continue to look at ways to attract funding through the pursuance of grants and other fund raising activities. Anyone wishing to contribute to this or make suggestions of sources of funds (in compliance with the WHO Code) may e-mail to gillian.weaver@yahoo.com.

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