EMBA European Milk Bank Association
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EMBA Congress Poster Competition

The organisers of the EMBA Congress always aim to maximize both its educational and its networking potential. One of the established ways in which we do this is to promote and support the presentation of posters.

The 2017 Congress in Glasgow saw the presentation of 36 posters over the 2 days with 40 minute sessions each day. Three separate sessions were held concurrently on both days, each moderated by 2 of the EMBA directors. The posters on view represented contributions from four continents and 20 countries. Topics ranged from descriptions of the establishment of new milk banks to the development of a milk bank app and the presentation of new research looking at equipment and milk donors. Most of the poster presentations were directly linked to human milk banking however there were also very valuable contributions on the topic of how to optimally support maternal lactation and breastfeeding.

This year, for the first time, the organisers offered a prize for the winning poster as judged by members of the EMBA Board of Directors. The judges were very impressed with the standard of the posters and of their presentations. The poster moderators chose the ones they judged to be the best from their session and the finalists were subjected to extra scrutiny from the final judging panel.

The winning poster was one of the ones presented on Day 2 and was entitled How to increase supply of milk to milk banks. Immunoprotective compounds and anti oxidant capacity of human milk in the 2nd year of lactation The authors, who are from Turon and Warsaw in Poland, are E Sinkiewicz-Darol, U Bernatowicz-Łojko, D Martysiak-Żurowska, M Puta, A Wesołowska, O Barbarska, K Kaczmarek, and I Adamczyk.

The research results presented in this poster highlight the importance of understanding how human milk changes in the second year of lactation. The authors note that this will help to create evidence based recommendations for milk banks regarding the potential nutritional and immunoprotective value of milk donated by women who have been lactating for more than one year. Currently many milk banks in Europe exclude donors with older babies and this work will promote further exploration of the rationale behind such decisions.

EMBA offers congratulations to Elena Sinkiewicz-Darol and colleagues. Elena will receive a free delegate pass to the 2019 EMBA Congress which will be held in Turin in Italy in October/November (date to be finalised soon).
The other finalist posters are listed below with the main named author:

  1. Current practice and beliefs: Survey of breastmilk handling routines in German, Swiss and Austrian Neonatal Units reveals large centre specific differences. Daniel Klotz
  2. HUGG (Helping us grow group): Developing a programme of neonatal family integrated care Gillian Bokwer
  3. Impact of Human Milk Bank – experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital, South India Bethou Adhisivam
  4. Experience with the use of donor milk in very low birthweight infants Katsumi Mizuno
  5. Design and Validation of a HTST system for pasteurisation of donor milk in a human milk bank setting Diana Escudo Vieco
  6. Current scenario of human milk banks in India 2016 Praveen Kandasamy / Jaysharee

The winning poster and all of the other finalists, together with many of the other posters presented in Glasgow can be viewed in the ‘Members Only’ section of the EMBA website. Many of the short oral and main presentations are also available to view. To become a member of EMBA, follow the link on the home page www.europeanmilkbanking.com.

The complete list of posters presented in Glasgow is as follows:

  1. Current practice and beliefs: survey of breast milk handling routines in German, Swiss and Austrian neonatal units reveals large centre specific differences
    Daniel Klotz
  2. Our journey towards UNICEF accreditation in NICU in Glasgow
    Bokwer Gillian
  3. Quality improvement project: improving donor milk practices within the NICU at Birmingham Women’s Hospital
    Wood Hannah
  4. Engaging donors, harnessing technology: the development of the milk bank app
    Shenker Natalie
  5. HUGG (Helping Us Grow Group): developing a programme of neonatal family integrated care
    Bokwer Gillian
  6. Breast milk from remunerated donors appears to be as safe as that from unremunerated donors
    Rechtman David
  7. Milk donation awareness of parents, health workers and lactation consultants: survey findings in Russia
    Lukoyanova  Olga
  8. Human-milk donation surveillance program development of quality and safety control method of the activity of a human milk banks.
    Garcia Lara Nadia Raquel
  9. Adopting a systematic approach to developing off to a good start: a breastfeeding information resource for parents, including parents of babies in need of special care
    Woodman Kate
  10. Exploring the paradox of pumping through adopting a systematic approach to using evidence to support breast(milk) feeding in neonatal units in Scotland
    Woodman Kate
  11.  North West Human Milk Bank donor survey
    Barnes Carol
  12.  Impact of human milk bank – experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital, South India
    Bethou Adhisivam
  13.  Why donor milk banks? – a short overview of their history in Germany
    Sunder-Plassmann A
  14. Early breast milk priming and expression to improve outcomes in sick or preterm – a quality improvement initiative.
    Gardiner Gillian
  15. Experience with the use of donor milk in very-low-birth-weight (vlbw) infants.
    Mizuno Katsumi
  16. Donor human milk – to whom, how much and how long?
    Czosnykowska-Łukacka Matylda
  17. Just maternal milk for sick and premature babies: first experience of donor milk bank at Vilnius Perinatal Center.
    Tamuliene Laima
  18. Understanding barriers and facilitators for breastfeeding, kangaroo mother care (KMC) and donor human milk (DHM) among mothers and influencers of preterm and sick neonates in India
    Mondkar Dr.Jayashree
  19. Preservation of bioactive components in human milk by high-pressure processing
    Elena sinkiewicz-darol
  20. Design and validation of a htst system for pasteurization of donor milk in a human milk bank setting
    Escuder Vieco Diana
  21. Effect of HTST and Holder Pasteurization on immunoglobulins, growth factors and hormones in donor milk
    Escuder Vieco Diana
  22. Influence of administration time in donor human’s milk bacterial counts
    Lozano Fuentes Marta
  23. Influence of thawing method on microbiological counts in human milk banks
    Lozano Fuentes Marta
  24. Significant losses of donor human milk due to pathogenic bacterial contamination – the problem remains unchanged
    Ioannou Ioanna
  25. Human milk banking in spain
    Gaya Antoni
  26. Current scenario of human milk banks in India, 2016
    Mondkar Dr.Jayashree
  27. Kenya’s experience in establishment of human milk banks: a systematic approach
    Samburu Betty Mogesi
  28. Analysis of Russian donor human milk bank work in NICU
    Belyaeva Irina
  29. The first human milk bank in Lithuania
    Ivanauskienė Vilma
  30. Vietnam’s first human milk bank: implementation learning for sustainability and replication
    Amundson Kimberly
  31. Why it is so difficult to establish the first human milk bank in a small country like Slovenia?
    Domjan Arnsek  Andreja
  32. Proteomic analysis of Korean mother postpartum breast milk
    Nam Mi Kang
  33. Human milk banking practices in the UK.: optimising LCPUFA content
    Nessel Isabell
  34. Serum and milk vitamin D concentration in breastfeeding women
    Adamczyk Iwona
  35. How to increase supply of milk to milk banks? – immunoprotective compounds and antioxidant capacity of human milk in the second year of lactation
    Sinkiewicz-Darol Elena
  36. In vitro lipolysis kinetics of human milks is dependent from fat globule structure
    Boquien Clair-Yves
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